
The purpose of the Accredited Consulting Practice (ACP)  is to provide Practices with a globally recognized accreditation that will allow prospective clients seeking the services of consultants in the broad spectrum of consulting, the opportunity to deal with a practice that voluntarily elected to adhere to a Professional Code of Ethics, holding them to a high standard.

The standards for the Accredited Consulting Practice are established by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) and implemented by each Institute participating in the program internationally. The ICMCI will ensure Institute compliance with these standards as part of the triennial Institute assessment; thus only full members of the ICMCI will be eligible to participate in the Accredited Consulting Practice program. To become a member of the ICMCI, you have to be a member of the Institute of Management Consultants and Master Coaches of South Africa (IMCSA).

Organizations who are successful in being recognized as an Accredited Consulting Practice will be added to a global register of Accredited Consulting Practices maintained by the ICMCI and IMCSA and will be entitled to use the designation “Accredited Consulting Practice” in their promotional materials including the use of an ICMCI approved Accredited Consulting Practice logo.  Accredited Consulting Practices may wish to develop unique partnering arrangements with approved clients to mutually develop agreements that promote the services of the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) 

Standards for the Accredited Consulting Practice

The Standard for the Accredited Consulting Practice is set out in the below mentioned  documents, and will be made available to you when you submit your application request. These  documents outline details of the Accredited Consulting Practice and provide the basic standards against which approval will be based.

  1. The Practice Application form
  2. The Consulting Competency Framework
  3. The Professional Code of Ethics
  4. The “Equivalency Checklist” for the Accredited Consulting Practice designed for assessing Practice’s compliance with the Accredited Consulting Training Practice scheme requirements.

It is anticipated that the above standards will be developed and updated, on an ongoing basis, and will be based on the experience of early implementation by Institutes.