The Institute of Management Consultants and Master Coaches of South Africa
Setting and maintaining standards in south africa
About Us
The Institute is the professional body representing management consulting, executive, business and leadership coaching professions. It sets and maintains standards for these professions in South Africa. It seeks to make the professions recognised, respected and accepted as providing a valuable and indispensable service to organisations in South Africa and the Southern African Region.
The IMCSA thus:
- Draws from and services all facets of our society.
- Encourages the achievement of standards required by the profession through its accreditation process.
- Promotes and maintains contact with complimentary local, regional, national and international bodies.
All members agree to abide by the Institute’s Code of Ethics which is approved by our international partners.
- Maintain a professional approach, attitude and behaviour in all our dealings with clients, the general public and fellow members.
- Accept assignments only for which we are qualified and where our objectivity, independence or integrity will not be impaired.
Base our client recommendation on impartial observations, responsible opinion, pertinent facts and practical considerations. - Ensure our anticipated benefits are obtainable and realistic.
Disclose timeously to clients all financial or other interests in recommended goods or services. - Ensure mutual understanding of all arrangements with clients prior to engagements.
- Maintain strict confidentiality of client information and never use privileged information without client permission.
- Refrain from inviting or receiving approaches from clients’ employees for employment which could compromise client confidentiality and confidence.
- Accept an engagement only where there is no potential conflict of interest with one of our colleagues or where all parties are made aware in advance of the circumstances.
- Ensure all professionals under our control are fully conversant with, and abide by the Code of Ethics.
- Accept an engagement only where there is no potential conflict of interest with one of our colleagues or where all parties are made aware in advance of the circumstances.
- Ensure all management consultants under our control are fully conversant with, and abide by the Code of Ethics.
Core Values
Our mission is to “Act as the certifying body for the Management Consulting and Coaching Professions and to represent and enhance these Professions in South Africa to clients, authorities and the community at large”.
To achieve this mission, the Institute undertakes the following activities:
- It draws from and services all facets of South African Society.
- It sets standards for acceptance to the Institute in line with International standards and in order to promote public confidence in its members and their qualifications and abilities.
- It develops and encourages the achievement of standards required by the profession through an accreditation process.
- It promotes and maintains contact with complimentary local, regional, national and international bodies.
- The maintenance of the code of professional conduct and the required disciplinary procedures.
- The accreditation of successful applicants.
- The accreditation, facilitation and provision of education and continuing professional development programmes for members and potential members.
- The maintenance of a website and register of skills.
- Promotional and public relations activities.
- Members of the Institute may participate in Chapter and National activities and are part of an international network of professionals enabled through the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI).
The full benefit of membership can best be achieved through active participation in Chapter and National Activities. Some of the many benefits of membership and participation to consider are:
International reciprocity
The CMC® (Certified Management Consultant) enjoy reciprocity with some fifty-member nations and Certified Master Coaches are recognised by all CMCGlobal member institutes
Members are graded according to competence and experience and are required to abide by a Code of Professional Conduct. Private and public sector clients recognise certified members as respectable and reliable sources of professional advice.
SAQA Recognized Professional body
All our members are listed on the National Learners Records Database (NLRD). In addition the IMCSA can accredit Training, Consulting and Coaching Practices under its international & local standards
National and International Networking and Conferences
Activities of the Institute facilitate networking with fellow professionals. Members may meet to exchange ideas and look towards cooperative opportunities.
Become a member of the IMCSA and gain access to this premium content library for free. Here you will find management consulting and coaching articles, case studies, templates, tools, guides, self-assessments and blogs. You will also receive discounts on products and services.
News and updates are produced quarterly and distributed by e-mail, or on LinkedIn. These discuss relevant management consulting and coaching issues and information, and are a regular update forum for Institute members.
Member confirmation register
A members’ register is produced annually. You will be able to confirm that a member is indeed registered with the IMCSA by contacting
Client Referral Services
The IMCSA maintains a comprehensive database of consultants that are categorised by a variety of skills, industry experience and geographical location. Members may request this information by e-mail.
Training and Development
Being an active part of the IMCSA activities provides many benefits including Continuing Professional Development activities, formal qualifications and specialised training and seminars.
The IMCSA will maintain certain values, which are regarded as important to uphold the Mission. The individual members are the backbone of the IMCSA. The larger professional firms continues to play a major role in the development of the profession. The IMCSA will always protect its professional and ethical image, which it regards as essential to obtain a client’s trust.
The IMCSA has certain strengths, which are used to promote the concepts of consulting and coaching and to represent the profession. The “tangible” assets are the standards and processes, which clearly indicate its belief in professionalism and ethics.
The “intangible” assets incorporate a history of over 40 years during which the IMCSA has been well accepted by professionals, including most of the major firms, and by public institutions. The major firms have always supported the National Council; in so doing they have helped overcome a key weakness of the IMCSA: which is the lack of available time of individual professionals to work on Institute projects without reward.
There is much support for the concepts of consulting and coaching as remedies for the skills shortage in the Southern African region. The IMCSA is committed to expanding its role as agent of change in society. The IMCSA believes that individual members and the firms that are registered with the IMCSA can play their part in working towards these objectives.
The professional is a key resource in a developing nation. The political society with its need for changing attitudes and new industrial, information and service-based society requires professional management skills. Consultants and coaches in leadership, management, business advisory services, productivity, education and technology can be a factor in creating prosperity for the rapidly growing population and, hence, bring stability in society.
During this period of change, the IMCSA is striving to attract membership applications from all sectors of the population, without sacrificing the demanding standards, which ensure international accreditation. The management consulting, business and executive coaching professions are experiencing a period of strong growth and there has been an increase in applications from smaller, specialised firms as the demand for these services increases. As markets become increasingly global, it is necessary to ensure that all IMCSA members comply with “world class” requirements and are equipped to compete in global markets.
This Institute of Management Consultants and Master Coaches of South Africa is a founding member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) and is a contributing member. It is also a member of the global standards setting body CMCGlobal.
Certified membership of the South African Institute allows reciprocity by benefits with each member country without the need for further assessments or examination, offering distinct benefits to those members who travel in their job.
This is particularly relevant for those who wish to practice in countries where the management consulting and coaching industries are regulated, such as North America, Asia Pacific and Europe. The IMCSA maintains these links, attends annual congresses and participates actively on special task groups.
Management Consulting is the practice of providing business advisory services assisting organisations in determining strategy, objectives and implementation imperatives in various functional areas and sectors. This may be achieved through improved planning, organisation, motivation, communication and/or utilisation of resources.
A Management Consultant is an individual who provides independent business advisory services and assistance about the process of management to clients with management responsibilities. This individual views business advisory and management consulting as a profession, who strives for self-improvement in the processes of business advisory, management and management consulting, and who subscribes to the code of ethics of a professional body of management consulting.
A Certified Management Consultant is a professional management consultant who meets the relevant requirements of character, qualifications, experience, competence and independence established by the professional body issuing certification.
Business and Executive Coaching is a high impact activity for individuals, groups and organisations in the development of skills, knowledge and expertise, giving support and encouragement, providing guidance, facilitating personal development, enhancing professional and career development and improving performance
A Business and Executive Coach is an individual who provides business advisory services through guidance, facilitating personal development, enhancing professional and career development and improving the performance of individuals, groups and organisations.
A Certified Master Coach is a professional coach who meets the relevant requirements of character, qualifications, experience, competence and independence established by the professional body issuing certification.
Board Members
Kiran Fakir – Chair
Angelo Kehayas – Executive Director
Ken Robinson – Director
Magda Kriek – Company Secretary
Natalie Lubbe – Incoming Chair
Council Structure
Executive Director: Angelo Kehayas
Committee Members: Johan Kruger Musa Mkasi El-marie Jardim | Key Committee Objectives:
Chairman: Kiran Fakir
Committee Members: Angelo Kehayas Ken Robinson | Key Committee Objectives:
Chairman: Angelo Kehayas
Committee Members: Angelo Kehayas Ken Robinson | Key Committee Objectives:
Chairman: Ken Robinson
Committee Members: Angelo Kehayas Matt Shelley Garth Trumble Musa Mkasi | Key Committee Objectives:
Chairman: Angelo Kehayas
Committee Members: Kiran Fakir Ken Robinson | Key Committee Objectives:

Board Professional Code of Ethics
- Maintain a professional approach, attitude and behaviour in all our dealings with clients, the general public and fellow members.
- Accept assignments only for which we are qualified and where our objectivity, independence or integrity will not be impaired.
- Base our client recommendations on impartial observations, responsible opinion, pertinent facts and practical considerations.
- Ensure our anticipated benefits are obtainable and realistic.
- Disclose timeously to clients all financial or other interests in recommended goods or services.
- Ensure mutual understanding of all arrangements with clients prior to engagements.
- Maintain strict confidentiality of client information and never use privileged information without client permission.
- Refrain from inviting or receiving approaches from clients’ employees for employment which could compromise client confidentiality and confidence.
- Accept an engagement only where there is no potential conflict of interest with one of our colleagues or where all parties are made aware in advance of the circumstances.
- Ensure all professionals under our control are fully conversant with, and abide by the Code of Ethics.